Horse and Donkey

buy donkey

11 Essential Things To Consider When Buying A Donkey In 2023

Before bringing a new animal into your life, consider several things before buying a donkey. A donkey is an excellent companion, but it’s vital to make sure you choose a donkey that’s right for you and one which you can meet their long-term care needs.

It is a common mistake for people to take on a donkey with an emotional decision but without enough knowledge about them. This can lead to unwanted welfare issues. 

To help you get the best outcome and assist you in making your decision when purchasing a donkey, we’ve compiled a list of the top 11 things to consider.

#1 Is your home farm environment safe for a Donkey

Before even looking at a donkey, evaluate your environment. Make sure you have the suitable facilities to provide your donkey with a safe and healthy home. A donkey needs a suitable pasture without hazards. 

Do not use a barb wire fence as this can seriously injury your donkey

The ideal fencing is wood boards as used on horse pastures. To prevent escapes and protect the wood and your donkey, run electric tape along your fence.

You will need a way to manage the pasture. This will prevent the donkey from overeating; more on this later. And, of course, you need a clean, dry shelter.

#2 Can Donkeys live alone? It’s best if they didn’t

Donkeys are extremely social animals. They will not thrive living alone. This can lead to depression and even behavioral problems. While donkeys can live with other animals, this isn’t enough to make them happy.

Owning a donkey

Donkeys form powerful bonds with other donkeys. If you plan to get a donkey, you will need to get two. Donkey pairs are much quieter and will not bray often. You will need to look at the expense of keeping two to make sure it fits into your budget.

A lonely donkey can not only develop behavior problems, but it can also become destructive. Providing a donkey friend is one of the most important things to consider.

#3 Do Donkeys Need Shelter? Yes, As Donkeys Lack Waterproof Coats

Unlike some animals, a donkey does not have a waterproof coat. Being caught in the rain can lead to pneumonia. You will need to provide a proper shelter, such as a stable, barn, or run-in shelter. 

Tree cover is not good enough.

#4 Learn The Feeding Requirements Of Donkeys 

Donkeys are designed to live off poor-quality forage. They can quickly become obese, which can lead to serious health issues, such as laminitis. Laminitis is an illness that affects the the donkeys hooves. It is extremely painful, difficult to manage and even becomes life-threatening.

A healthy donkey should have a smooth body shape without fat lumps across the back and in the neck. Ribs should not be visible.

The best thing to feed a donkey is low protein and high fiber hay. Avoid allowing them too much access to rich green grass. Provide plenty of space for your donkeys to roam while grazing.

Avoid alfalfa as it is too rich. Even though the hay must have low protein, it still needs to be of decent quality. Don’t feed moldy hay or hay that has lots of weeds.

#5 Donkeys Can Live For a Long Time. So Have A Long Term Plan 

life span of donkeyDonkeys have a long lifespan which can be more than 30-years. With that in mind, it can be a big commitment, emotionally, physically, and financially. For this period, they will need their donkey friend, and they will also require you.

In addition to forming powerful bonds with other donkeys, they also get very attached to their human friend. Losing you or their friend can cause a donkey a lot of distress.


#6 Donkeys Are Playful. Provide Them With The Right Equipment

A donkey is very playful, much more than most horses. You will need to provide an environment the provides them with the needed entertainment. They will play with their friend, but toys are also necessary.

You can provide many items for your donkey to play with, so long as it is safe. Consdier purchasing buckets, or you can buy a play ball for your donkey, or use sections of hose and even hula hoops! They also love dirt piles. You can be sure that your donkey will provide you with plenty of smiles in an enriching environment.

#7 Donkeys Are Intelligent, Understanding This Is Crucial

People underestimate how smart donkeys are! And sometimes mistake this intelligence for stubbornness. 

Donkeys like to evaluate a situation, which often means they will stop and not move until they make a decision. Always be patient with your donkey and allow them the chance to do this.

A donkey can have a flight reaction, similar to horses, but they usually don’t run too far before stopping to see if it’s safe. They may also react by attacking something they think is a threat.

Their intelligence also means they can figure out how to open gates or doors. 

We know of a donkey that lived at a horse stable and would go around letting all the horses out. Of course, he was smart enough to do this at night when no one was around to stop him.”

#8 Consider The Expenses Involved In Owning A Donkey

Another vital thing to consider before buying a donkey is the costs involved. 

Like horses, donkeys need their feet paired every 6 to 8 weeks. However, the pair has to be done differently than a horse. Make sure to use a farrier that is familiar with trimming donkey’s hooves.

In addition to the regular expenses of farrier care, feed, and bedding expenses, donkeys need a series of annual vaccinations. 

Donkeys can suffer from many of the same serious illnesses that horses do, such as West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis.

You will also need to put your donkey on a regular worming program, just like a horse. If you have horses on your property, you will need to put lungworm management measures in place. Donkeys are the primary source of lungworm parasite exposure for horses.

#9 Choosing The Right Donkey For Your Experience Level

Take an honest look at your knowledge and handling skills before choosing a donkey. If you are new to donkeys, avoid a young animal or one that has behavioral problems.

do donkeys protect horses

Regardless of how experienced you are, always bring someone knowledgeable to view the donkey before purchasing. This person is an extra set of eyes and will see things in a more neutral way.

Please don’t purchase a donkey without seeing it in person. Always meet it, to know if you would be a good match. When you go to see the donkey, have a list of questions ready to ask about its health, history, age, and behavior. And remember, since donkeys need a friend, and you’re looking at a pair, make sure both donkeys will suit your environment and capabilities.

#10 Avoid A Jack Unless You Have Regular Access to a very Experienced Handler

A jack is a male donkey that is not castrated. Unless you have a specific purpose and extensive experience to handle them, always go for a jenny or gelded donkey. A jack can turn aggressive in the blink of an eye. This can lead to injury to the handler and unintentional abuse of the animal, leading to ongoing behavior problems.

male donkey name is a Jack

#11 Learn The Illnesses That Affect Donkeys

A donkey can suffer from many of the same illnesses as horses. We’ve already mentioned laminitis, but they can also have colic, kidney disease, arthritis, and several more. Hyperlipaemia is another illness donkey owners need to become familiar with

One thing to note is that donkeys are pretty stoic. This means it can sometimes be hard to detect that something is wrong with them. Dullness is sometimes the only sign something is wrong.


After reading this guide, you’re hopefully off to a good start on your donkey-owning journey. Gentle handling is the best way to win your donkey over. This, combined with arming yourself with the correct information, means you will have a long, happy relationship with your new four-legged friend.

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